Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Not Your Type

Not too long ago, I was asked by a friend why I like Scala's type system and how it helps develop software faster (relative to dynamically typed languages, like Ruby). The short answer is that it doesn't; the slightly longer answer is that that isn't the point. An effective type system is more about making the computer help you get your code right, because throwing $125,000,000 down the drain when one person uses metric and the other English units looks bad on the next budget request.

I suspect that most detractors of type systems are doing so from the perspective of weak type systems (like Java's), which really does get in the way as much, if not more, than it helps. A more powerful type system (e.g. Haskell's or Scala's), however, can actually make it a compile error to make some subtle errors. As an example, here's some Scala to make Velocity a type defined by Meters/Seconds:

class Meters(val dist : Float) {
def /(time : Seconds) : Velocity = { new Velocity(dist/time.magnitude)}

class Seconds(val magnitude : Float)

class Velocity(val magnitude: Float) {
override def toString() = magnitude + " m/s"

class Feet(val magnitude : Float)

With that definition, you can define something of type Meters, divide it by something of type Seconds and get a Velocity. Ok, so far so good, but that doesn't seem to be that helpful... until you find that you can not multiply the Meters by a typeless unit or accidentally by Feet! Now, you may be thinking, "Hey, that's still getting in my way! I have a parameter in Feet and I don't want to bother changing it to meters!" That's where the second trick up Scala's sleeve comes in, by providing a way to implicitly convert from Feet to Meters.

By adding this little snippet of code:
implicit def feetToMeters(feet : Feet) = new Meters(feet.dist * 0.3048F)
we can now divide Feet by Seconds and get Velocity in meters / second!
So now, these two statements print the same value:
println(new Meters(1000)/new Seconds(60))
println(new Feet(3280.8399F)/new Seconds(60))

And helping avoid turning a Mars Orbiter into a Mars Crasher is just one more reason why I really like Scala.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


A few of my friends use FizzBuzz to screen candidates, and that's a good thing because it's really good at weeding out the completely incompetent. The problem comes when you need someone who's more than just competent, you need someone who actually knows something. In those cases, I propose using Quick sort as a 2nd level FizzBuzz problem (or even a replacement for FizzBuzz). Quick sort is simple enough that it can be implemented in almost no time and almost no code by anyone who knows their programming language. It also has the benefit of opening the door for follow-on questions, like how do you avoid the algorithm taking n^2 time if the list is in order or what do you do if the list is too big to fit into main memory.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The New Alchemy

Software development has given rise to entirely new alchemists, with entirely new approaches, including the "Powerful Process" and "Magical Language" schools. The one thing that both of the schools have in common is a belief that there exists some incantation or ritual that will transmute incompetent developers into great developers. They'd be better served trying to turn hydrogen into gold, since that's at least physically possible (if horrifically impractical). Let's look at these schools a little closer and we'll see why ITIL and CMMI (and a lot of "agile" processes!) are incompatible with Agile, and why Paul Graham was right and wrong about LISP being a secret weapon in software development.

Arcane Rituals: The Powerful Process School
Acolytes of this school believe that if they can just find the one true process and follow it with sufficient rigor that it will guarantee that they will be guaranteed success in all of their software development endeavors. The holy grail of this school would be to find the process that lets them say, with a high degree of certainty, that it will take x person weeks to build a particular system, regardless of who comprises their development team. In effect, magically turning even incompetent developers into highly productive developers. It's this fixation on process over people that makes them ideologically incompatible with Agile. Sadly, even many proponents of Agile fall prey to these beliefs. You can tell if an "Agilist" has joined this school by observing their response to failed projects. If the response is to defend the process by saying, "You did it wrong! You didn't do thing x as prescribed by the process!", then you know you've met an agile alchemist.

Occasionally, processes are put into place that do succeed in making the composition of a team a minor factor in how long it takes to develop software. Unfortunately, this isn't accomplished by improving the worst developers, but by dragging everyone down to their level. There is some good news, though! The best developers aren't held down at severely depressed productivity for long; they leave and make predicting the outcome of future efforts easier by leaving them with no chance of success.

Words of Power: The Magical Language School
Developers are often counted amongst the acolytes of this school, constantly searching for the programming language, IDE or new technology that'll make hard problems easy to solve and easier to implement. That's certainly understandable, since a lot of things in software development are really hard and many developers love tinkering with new things. Certain commercial entities exacerbate the problem to profit from the sales of books, tools, and software by hyping every new thing that comes along. Unfortunately for developers (and fortunately for snake-oil salesmen), some problems are just hard! No tool or language will ever make the intrinsically hard problems easy, at best they can stay out of the way and let the easy parts of the problems be easy.

Earlier, I mentioned that Paul Graham was right and wrong about LISP being a secret weapon, and you may be wondering just how that could be. To be sure, LISP is a very powerful language, very well suited to extending with powerful DSLs and someone comfortable with it could be extremely productive. That said, LISP alone isn't enough to make one team an order of magnitude more productive than another. What does let LISP make teams significantly more productive is that it's a great filter. Requiring LISP automatically rules out everyone other than really good developers. Since LISP is not a language that's a sure-fire path to a job, only people who actually care about software development know anything about it. Adding to that, LISP has a fairly high barrier to entry, by requiring an understanding of functional programming and recursion. Basically, any team that's using LISP is most likely a 10x team, and that is the secret weapon.

So, if neither languages or processes can work the magic, what _can_ we use to improve our odds of success at software development? The answer is simple; hire really good developers who work well together. Then tell them what you need them to do, and work with them to clarify any issues that come up and to make sure that they know when needs are changing as soon as possible.